Jordan's Blogarama

This is a blog telling about what I did in the run of a day and/or my opionion on whatever topic I feel like posting about.... yep, check back often for more details and don't be afraid to spread the word about my blog!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

June 24th: June 19th-June 24th summary

Monday, June 19th/2006:
- I missed the bus ( I wanted to help with Yearbook at Bishops)
- Ms.Westin e-mailed me back telling me they didn't need my help with yearbook

So basically, I took the day off and basically did alot of recreational activities such as walking the dog and what not......

Oh right , and the best part is, I was able to go to the St.John's Anchormen Barbershop Chorus ( They practice at the Arts and Culture Center) for the first time since 3-4 weeks! ( Because, I was then studying for exams and with exams over, the only thing that would stop me would be my summer job... if i'd had one at the time!)

Tuesday,June 20th/2006:

The highlights being that I finally went into school to work on the yearbook for the first time since friday ( and to clean out my locker...!? or was that Wedsday?!) . And basically, they were going to get me to type up some more quotes to be inserted into the yearbook. However, they found out they didn't need them.
In breaking my chronological order, before that, I had talked to Haylee ( a friend of Jill Peddle) and Tim C. ( a old friend/acquitance of mine) for a bit before they wrote their world geography exam.
Anyway, getting back on track, by about 9- 9:15 a.m, I was no longer needed to help with yearbook. So, I got a cab home and hanged out around the house, watched tv and what not..... ( the details are really fuzzy right now...)
I think on that day, I had started printing some more resumes like crazy and dropping them off at every business I could find in order to find a summer job.

Also, I think this tuesday was the last voice lessons I ever had at rock city : ( ( Because i'm going to Acadia University in september and even if I was close enough to go, I would probably be too busy with university anyway!).... hopefully, some more of the details will come back!

Wedsday,June 21st:
Once again, I had the day off as I had no exams on this particular day ( as I had finished on Thursday of the previous week!). So basically, I kept passing out more resumes and if memory serves me correct, I had dropped some off at the Irving near Cowan Heights Dental and at many of the stores and restaurants in the Avalon Mall ( Sadly, I haven't heard back from them of them!) So ya, I spend my day doing the fundamental basics of life, walked around , walking the dog,etc....

(Anything else I did I have definitely forgotten for now or all together!)

Thursday, June 22nd :
Basically, I got up around 6:30 a.m to get ready for the last day of high school ever for me! So ya, I got on the bus at 8 am as usual and arrived at Bishops around 8:15 a.m . So ya, I spent the time talking to Joey, Jessica Guy ( Or one of the other Jessicas from choir!) So ya basically, we then had our awards assembly from 9-11/11:15 p.m with the highlight being that alot of my friends (Fred, Sarah Dinn,etc..) won quite a few awards. Although I didn't win the award for Perfect Attendance ( due to 1-2 fieldtrips, some choir outings and missing a class or two to go to my grandmother's funeral on my dad's side), I came 10 away from having perfect attendance. But ya, I also got awards for my contribution to the yearbook ( i.e The Last Will and Testament and typing up some good quotes to be used in the yearbook!), an award for my recognition in Applied Music ( Guitar) and an award for Student of the Month in February! So ya after that was over at around 11-11:15 a.m, I went and got my report card ( I had an overall average of 86: meaning I was 4 percent off from prinicipal's list!) But ya, my lowest marks were in AP Psych. (75), Math(74) and Bio. (64). After that, me,joey,mitchell and andrea w. walked down to No Name Pizza and had lunch ( I had 2 huge slices of pizza ,root beer and a slushie). So basically, we hung out and chatted before deciding to walk down to Andrea's at 1pm .... ( Which consisted of Mitchell T. and my cousin Joey C. of taking turns doing solos and what not on the drums while me and Andrea W. took turns playing on her electric guitar.. I had way too much fun seeing how fast I could play: looks like practising those 7 modes on the C scale might've improved my finger co-ordination and reaction time quite a bit) . But ya, I drove joey up the wall by improvising and not actually playing any actual songs ( that and trying to see how many different chords I could randomly make and then bend the string to make very high pitched screeching sounds)...
After that, me and Joeywatched Andrea W. and Mitchell T. take turns playing The Legend of Zelda: the 4 links on Nintendo Gamecube !
So ya at around 2pm, Joey's mom picked me and joey up to bring us home. After that, I hanged out around the house for a bit... ( I can't remember exactly what I did...) But ya, I visited Felissa in the Janeway ( She was in the hospital for 5 days on a EEG machine to see if they could get a picture of her having a seizure and figure out how her brain reacts before, during and after having a stress-induced seizure: but she never had one at the hospital).

So ya, me ,Jenine ( Felissa's sis.) and Felissa played ' Sorry!', ' Craxy 8's' and ' Crazy 8 Countdown'.... So ya, I had only intended to visit for 1 hour from about 3:30-4:30p.m. Yet in reality, I stayed around 3:30-6:30 p.m! Afterwards, I believed I either took the dog for a walk or did something else!

Friday, June 23rd/06:

Basically, I woke up around 8/8:30am or so and was up and on the go by around 9 am or so... Then, I basically had breakfast ,watched CPAC (the Canadian Public Affairs Channel: Public Affairs is another way of including politics as well as public issues) for a hour or so. Then, my mom drove me out to the Service Canada Centre for Youth St.John's Office at the Prince Charles Building ( There, they provide tips on resume and cover letter writing as well as some handy interview tips. They also have booklets full of post-secondary information, job information, summer job postings,etc...) So ya from about 10:30-12 pm, I worked on re-formatting my resume and writing a cover letter for a 'recreation co-ordinator' summer job position with the easter seals of NL ( I e-mailed it to the contact). Then, me and my mom ate a buffet at the nearest pizza experts for like an hour. Then, from 1-3:30 p.m, I modified my resume slightly and wrote a new cover letter for a 'Researcher' position that was posted at the SCCYE (Service Canada Centre for Youth Employment) and had both faxed off . As well, I acquired the website on which all these jobs are posted:

Other than that, I got home around 4pmish and watched a bit of CPAC,(almost forgot that I listened to my Barbershop CD in the car while my mom was driving), among other things. I also checked my e-mails ( at around 6pm, we had supper. But, I took the dog for a 40 minute walk from 5-5:40 p.m before supper only to discover a white dog that had somehow got off it's leash: I learned that the dog had escaped out the screendoor of someone's house and phoned the number found on the dog's keychain. Just as I was heading back, I ran into some of my neighbours whom were watching their dogs and I went to make sure the owner had gotten their dog back)and such until around 8 pm or so...: when I stopped because the computer didn't really work that great!

From 8:30pm-1:30 a.m, I made many attempts to get the computer working and watched my sister play Kingdom Hearts 2 on the PS2 ( and helped her with some mini-games within the game)

Today, June 24th/2006:
- Basically, I was pretty tired and slept in til 8:00 a.m or so:even though I 'doozed off' again while listening to the radio. Basically, I got up, had breakfast, updated my blog, listened to some 80's music my mom had on Galaxy while I read the June 17- 23 issue of ' The Economist' ( A magazine that I read as soon as it gets in as it covers political, economic, social and other news stories!) Other than that, I haven't been up to much so far. Although, it's lunchtime and i'm off to walk the dog and get some lunch at home afterwards ( My Guitar lessons didn't go ahead because he was busy the last 2 saturdays!!!) Oh well, i'll update soon!

Friday, June 16, 2006

June 16th/2006: my first day of having no exams and what I did today

So ya, from 9am-3 pm, I was at Bishops College trying to find the Teacher Sponsor for the yearbook commitee, filled out a scholarship application form for scholarships that will be given out at the Cap and Gown Ceremony for graduates in December 2006 and worked on the Yearbook. Basically, they got me to find quotes on the internet to be put unto the bottom of each of the pages in the yearbook. But, I had to do alot of cutting as I focused too much on sayings some people had rather than inspirational quotes. Then, once I had gotten a few, I was asked to organize them into categories: Sports, Music, Humour, Good advice,etc... ( me and two former Bishops College: Amanda M. and Julia W. worked on the yearbook as most other people were still studying for exams!)

So then at 3:15 p.m, my cousin Joey offered me a ride home. Yet, he got the idea for me to go up to his house and as a result, we rented two movies and one video game to keep us occupied ( the movies were Stealing Harvard and some other one and the game was Super Smash Bros. Melee for the Nintendo Gamecube!) But first, we spent the first 10-15 minutes watching my "Rock City Master Band Performance June 4th/2006 DVD" ( It was performed and recorded at Club One) Indeed when I look back on it, i'm so glad that Joey convinced me to join Rock City in December because it was one of the greatest musical experiences i've ever had in my life: getting to perform three modern songs : " Give it Away" by Red Hot Chilli Peppers, " Desire" by U2 and "Limelight" by U2 was so amazing! Yet, it was so funny when I paused between the first two songs saying, " Hold on a second" ( So I could chug 1/2 a bottle of water: turns out that it wasn't half of what I needed as I started to get a raspy voice from the harsh vocals in "Desire")
So ya, we spent 2-4 hours playing S.S .B .M : earning the various characters, battling each other and what not. Then at 9 pm , I had to walk home as I needed to get home to get settled away. To make up for missing my chores earlier today, I had vacuumed both flights of stairs and the third floor of the house. From that point on, i've been checking e-mails, checking out political websites and trying to contact some of my friends......

and ya, I might be going to see a movie with Felissa tomorrow: so i'm looking forward to it!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

My reflections on Nova Scotia Votes 2006 Election Results

First of all, to get the facts clear, here's some links provided by CBC and other media:


2. The story on the election titled, " Tories win minority, lose two seats"

3. " NDP reach record high but remain in Opposition"

4. " NDP Gains Five Seats"

5. "Races To Watch" (June 13th/2006)

6. "Dexter promises to work constructively" (June 13th/2006)

June 15th/2006: My last day of High School Exams.......ever! and the rest of my relaxing day! and more....

So ya, I wrote my Math 3204 public exam from 9-11:30 p.m ( I finished 20-30 minutes early!) Then, I chatted with some of my friends about university and their plans for university since it was on my mind. Then, I walked from Bishops to the North Atlantic Corner Store and bought a large pizza sub, nacho chips with salsa and cholocate milk for lunch. Then, I wrote my last exam which ran from 1-3 pm ( however, I finished it at 2:05 p.m). Then, I stayed around and chatted to Meagan and Mitchell for 45 minutes before :finally getting home at 3 pm. Then, from 3:05-3:45/50, I talked my step-dad's dog molly on the local cowan heights trail. Then, I talked to my cousin tyler for 20-25 minutes and walked down to Cowan Heights park to feed the ducks. Since then , I ate a pear as a snack, watched my' Rock City Master Band June 4th,2006 performance' ( The band I was in was called 'Veto Power', which is a medium length story to explain) Then, i've been listening (and watching) the proceedings of the House of Commons on CPAC ( channel 56 or 57 on cable in newfoundland) ,checking e-mails and the news...... So be continued!

Basically, if any of them friends (who are finished their exams) want to make plans with me to hang up and/or catch up with me, give me a buzz. If those of my friends whom still have exams left to write, those interested in making plans for us to hang out should give me a buzz ( for both cases, either by e-mail, dropping a reply on here, by telephone or in person!!!!)

So ya as for tomorrow, i'm going into Bishops to help work on the yearbook ( we only have 4 of 84 pages done!!!!!) So ya, I basically got 7 days to go whatever I want other than yearbook. But ya, how much time I have to put into that is conditional on how many people show up, how many computers are working and how long each individual is going to be able to do some work on it...... so ya, there's more to come.....

Also, I could be going out to my cousin's cabin on Saturday night to visit him and I might stay the night before into early Sunday morning or so.... But ya, otherwise, i'll be at church for the first time in awhile ( due to youth parliament in april 30-may 1st, various choir concerts, studying for exams, my rock city performance on June 4th ( which is a sunday) among other things...)

So ya, I want to officially announce that i've been conditionally accepted to Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia and MUN ( Memorial University of Newfoundland) in St.John's,NL. However, i've already made the down payment on my residence and my tuition for Acadia University, so on September 1st,2006, "I'll be leaving on a jet plane, I don't know when i'll be back again.....(i'll be back here for christmas break in december : including for my Cap and Gown at Bishops College to officially receive my High School Diploma, attend the various ceremonies and to get to catch up with many of my high school friends : some of them i'll never see again, other i'll see in may, others i'll see but not for a long time, others i'll keep in touch with but not see....")

So ya, i've applied for the Arts Core program of a Bachelor of Arts Degree in the following 5 subjects:
1. Political Science ( I'm so excited to get to study this!)

2. History ( Another one i'm excited for)

3. Psychology ( I did AP Psych. 4220 this year,so, i'll be doing the same course for the 2nd time. But, i'll be doing it in university not in a high school, there'll be a discussion lab once a week and the scheduling will be different)

4. English ( it's mandatory as part of an Arts degree for at least the first year)

5. Basic French ( In order to fulfill my mandatory 1 year of a 2nd language, to make up for not doing french in high school, to take another 'stab' at becoming bilinguial , and just to see how it goes....)

Also, three careers are coming into focus as careers I possibly want to pursue, being:

1. Social Work ( or some other form of career that relates to Psychology)

2. Teaching ( this is a back-up plan)

and (my favourite back-up)

3. Politics ( either as a municipal councillor, Provinicial MLA, federal MP, a Political Science professor or some other related field)

So ya, this post is intended to provide information on today, my plans from Sept 2006- May 2007...

So ya, comments people!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

June 9th , June 10th/2006 and June 11th entry

Written on June 10th/2006: started at 4:45 p.m ..continued on June 11th/06

So ya, on friday June 9th/2006, I got out of bed at 8 /8:10 a.m ( pretty crazy ,huh? : I was suppose to be up at 7 am. But, I slept in!) So ya, I had missed the bus to school and needed to get my sister up and get on the go ( fortunately, my exam started at 1pm , so no worries). So I had my favourite two slices of peanut butter toast with milk for breakfast and I left the house after having packed my lunch at 8:50/8:55 a.m to go to the school to study. So, I arrived at 9:15 a.m and I walked all the way up to the LRC ( Learning Resource Centre in order to study, as my last day of classes was on Thursday, June 8th/2006)

After doing so, I began to study for my AP Psych. exam that was going to take place that afternoon.. So ya, I managed to get 50 minutes before I needed to get some recess ( which took 30 minutes) and then I went up and got another 30 minutes in or so. By 11am, I walked out to the North Atlantic Corner store with Mitchell, Andrew and Joey in order to get some lunch for them.So ya, then I hanged around with 'em for 30 minutes or so ( I probably should've spent the time studying). Then at 11:50 a.m, I walked over to booth: only to spend the next 50 minutes watching Sarah (Justin F.'s girlfriend), Mitchell and another of my friends play Tarot cards (another bad decision: I should've went to the library to study!) So ya from 1-3 pm, I wrote my AP Psych. 4220 exam which consists of 125 multiple choice and 2 long answer questions ( I thought it was a three hour exam but that was a misunderstanding due to the way the schedule was written!)

So ya afterwards,I got home and read part of the latest issue of "The Economist" ( a international british economic magazine that is available around the world that also deals with the political,social issues of the day while incorporating economics... basically, it's independent news as well on a weekly basis!) So around 7:30 p.m, I headed over to the Sutherlands ( Gordon is the pastor of West End Baptist (WEB) church and Sandy is the senior high sunday school teacher, I am and was part of that class even if I was too busy to go since october!)

Basically, it is a very formal dinner with about 4 tables set out with white old-fashioned tables, designated seating with a appetizer, main meal and a dessert to celebration the graduation of 4 members of the Senior High Youth Group and Sunday School ( in alphabetical order): Jared Osmond, Jennifer Emberley ( my 2nd cousin), Me ( Jordan Lester) and Katrina Dezeeau.
So ya, the appetizer was bread buns with butter and cranberry juice.
The main meal was carrots,potatoes with corn flakers on the outside, among many other things ( steak or some other form of meat went with it), rice,etc...

Then, they asked each graduate what their plans for september are: Jared said he's going to MUN to do 4 subjects and hopes to do engineering, Jennifer said she is applying to go to the MUN school of music,
I'll be going to Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia to do my arts core : consisting of Political Science, History, Psychology, English and Basic French ( I never did french in high school, so, I haven't done it since grade 9: as I need to do at least 1 year of a 2nd language as part of my degree. So, it might as well be french and to make up for my regret over not doing french in high school after already choosing not to do so in my 1st year and so on!) So ya, I told them i'd be living in residence and all.
I am doing this because at Acadia, there are no general studies and in the first 60 credit hours I do ( the first two-three years), I have to do at least one year of english, a 2nd language, and some other subjects from 3 different short-lists.

So ya, then they put toasts to the 4 graduates. Some memorable ones that I had to me was from Gordon, who said that he believes i'm going to enjoy Acadia because he himself had lived on the campus there when he was sitting at their Acadia Divinity College! Also, Sandy put a toast to me that she hopes I will enjoy the nature and beautiful trees in Wolfville and the Annapolis Valley!

So afterwards, we played this version of Tic-Tac-Toe called "Celebrity" . In this game, one team is team Hugs (X) and the other team is team kisses (O). Basically, the 4 graduates, three of the youth group leaders ( Sherry, Rebecca and Trevor), the pastor Gordon and his daughter laura formed 3 rows of 3. Then, Team X asks one of the nine people one of the pre-determined questions. That people that was asked then responds. That team must then talk amongst themselves to decide whether that person was telling the truth or lieing. If they guess right, the person they ask will turn over the symbol that matches their team (X in this case). Yet,if they get it wrong, then the other team gets the point. The idea is to get 3 in a row: horizontally, vertically or diagonal. The first team to get three in a row wins! So ya, we played two rounds of that before we stopped.

By then, it was 10pm and I used the time to chat with Sandy and Gordon. Basically, I talked to her about Acadia University, where she was from ( she lived in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick before moving to Newfoundland: that's why my mom noticed that she had an accent. Yet, i'm used to it by now and didn't notice as much!) Basically, I told her about what i've been up to since we last chatted about 2 months ago: getting ' Rookie of the Season' at St.John's Regional Youth Parliament and what not... So ya, by 10:35 p.m, I left to go home to rest. Yet, I talked to Janet on the phone for the first time in months before finally going to bed at 11:15 p.m!

Due to lack of time, I am going to summarize June 10th and June 11th ( Today)

June 10th/06:

-Had early guitar lessons from 11am-12pm in which I learned how to play all 7 modes on the guitar in the key of c!

- I took the Dog for a 30-minute walk around the block ( the dog belongs to my step-dad, whose name is Molly and is a Golden Receiver)
- I read part ofthe Saturday edition of " The Telegram"
- read pg.50-90 of the novel "Waiting for Time" by Bernice Morgan as English 3201 exam prep. for Tuesday, June 14th!

-I practiced my guitar

among other things...

Today, Sunday, June 11th/06:

- Read 1/3 of the sunday edition of "The Telegram"
-practised my guitar

- read pg.90/95-135 of "Waiting for Time"

As for my exams, I got my English 3201 public on tuesday morning, I believe ( either that or tuesday afternoon), I got a Math 3201 public on Thursday morning and another exam in the afternoon.

- Did 30 minutes of practice on my Math for my public exam

-watched the first 40 minutes of the public records broadcast of The 1st of the 7 Liberal Leadership Convention Debates on CPAC ( Cable Public Affairs Channel- it's channel 57 in newfoundland if you got cable!)

- played the demo for a game called, ' Prime Minister forever' from 9-10 pm

- Took Molly for a 30 minute walk this afternoon ( 4:45-5:15 /5:20 p.m)

So ya, in summary, I ...
((oops on Friday, at the Graduation thing my Youth Group and Sunday School had at the Sutherlands, the 4 graduates ( including me) received a copy of "My Utmost for His Highest" Updated Graduate Edition by Oswald Chambers which has a 1 -page devotional for each day of the year all 365 of them ( I dunno what they'd do on a leap year, but oh well) It also has a 10-page blank space in which you can write journal entries, a subject index on what devotional for what months and days deal with certain issues (ex. Depression,etc...) ,a Scripture Index ( telling you which entries of the 365 day entries quote certain books of the bible) and recommendations and descriptions of other books by Oswald Chambers)))

So ya, as I was saying, I had a relaxing weekend while still getting a moderate amount of studying in.... and I still got to do something fun on Friday night! This marked a hallmark/milestone for me as this is going to be the last weekend that I ever have to study for a high school exam or do homework over the weekend for high school as I finish the last of my exams on Thursday, June 15th: meaning starting June 16th, i'll be helping Jillian Peddle and the rest of 'em finish the Bishops College yearbook on the 6 days that I would otherwise be home-free...

I know it's been a long time since I made a entry. But, I hope this 'wets for appetite' for what i've been up to. Also, I dropped off a resume at Teletech in Mt.Pearl today for a Summer job ( as my SWASP grant was lost when the feds. ( federal government) decided in their review of the Federal Grant program that the Peter Pan Lawn Bowling association doesn't 'qualify' for a grant!!!)

So ya, that's all for now as it is 11:11 p.m and I plan on going to school on the bus at 8am in order to spend the day at school studying!!!!

If you have any comments, suggestions or anything else, feel free to use the comments below (if you have a Blogger account,please log in BEFORE posting a comment unless you want to be anonymous!)